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How to animate GrdiVew using JQuery

The GridView control displays the values of a data source in a table. Each column represents a field, while each row represents a recor...

santosh 16 Jan, 2010

GridView row double click and postback using Jquery

< %@ Page Language = " C# " AutoEventWireup = " true " CodeFile = " Default.aspx.cs " Inherits = ...

santosh 4 Jan, 2010

How to get cell value of gridview using JQUERY

Asp.net Gridview control is a feature-rich control used to display and edit the record on the web page. Gridview supports to edit, delet...

santosh 3 Jan, 2010

How To change the color of gridview row on mouseover using JQUERY

In this post, I will show you how to highlight the grid view row on mouseover. The code is simple and straightforward. Check out the fo...

santosh 3 Jan, 2010